Transferring your money online can be expensive. From bank fees to currency exchange rates, you'll very rarely be getting the full amount that you are expecting. Due to this issue, multiple businesses have been founded in the last few years in order to try and make sending your money online as cheap and as hassle-free as possible. This means that there are now a number of online money-transferring services competing for your custom, and resultantly offer cash incentives for signing up with them.
The majority of these offers will involve you sending money to yourself using your GBP Bank Account and receiving that transfer using an International Bank account.
So personally, the best site i've found for this is Wise (formerly known as Transferwise) who allow you to open up a Belgian EUR Bank Account to receive International Transfers. They also give you £500 worth of transfers with no fees if you sign up using our link here.
Once you've signed up, you have to fund your Wise account €20 EUR to activate the account and receive your International EUR Bank details. This is instantly withdrawable and fee-free using by using our referral link. After this transfer, you'll receive your account's IBAN details to complete the offers below.
WorldRemit is a cross-border payments company that provides international money transfer and remittance services in over 130 countries, who are currently offering a £20 Voucher to all new users who sign up and use their services
[Note: As mentioned above, this will require the use of a Wise account in order to receive the International transfer]
Estimated Profit: £19
Xendpay are a popular money transferring service, where you can decide how much you pay to them in fees. They are also currently offering new customers a £10 discount voucher off your first transfer of over £100 GBP or more, meaning your £100 transfer will only cost £90 and you can profit from the difference!
Estimated Profit: £9
Skrill are a digital wallet provider who allow you to make fast and secure payments using a virtual wallet. They offer fee-free currency transfers, and are giving new customers a £10 discount voucher for their first transfer of £100 GBP or more.
(This is basically the exact same process as the first two offers)
Estimated Profit: £9
*This offer Expires on 30/3/24*
This large transfer does expose you to currency movement but currency volatility is generally quite low so this should be limited, but it's worth being aware of this particularly as the bonus amount as a percentage of the transfer is low.
CurrencyFair are a currency exchange company that specialise in larger transfers.
They are currently offering a €50 Bonus for making a transfer to a foreign currency of €2000.
Their exchange rate is also extremely competitive (around 0.4% out from the actual level currently), so despite the large transfer amount this should only cost you £8 or so. They also charge a flat fee on each transfer of €3, costing you a further £5 (€3 for your first transfer, and €3 to transfer your bonus Euros to pounds).
Lastly, transferring such a large sum back to pounds will have a fee attached, at Wise this is currently €8.60 assuming a transfer of £1740 (€2015.27)
Note: This offer carries slightly more risk than the previous offers due to the size of the transfer and any % currency fluctuations may lead to you making slightly more/less money on the transfer, but you providing no movement you should still make around £20+
Estimated Profit: £20
Instarem are another low-cost money transferring service used for sending money overseas.
Unlike the previous offers, this offer is not a specific 'amount-off' promotion, as instead of giving you a set amount of discount, they credit you with 'InstaPoints' which have a rough conversion rate of every 100 points being equivalent to a £1.80 GBP discount.
So, the best sign-up offer we have found from them is from using our referral link here which will entitle you to an additional 400 InstaPoints once you have created your account, giving a £7.20 discount on a transfer of £500 GBP or more.
Estimated Profit: £4
Viainvest is a peer-to-peer lending platform with high-interest rates and a 30 day buyback guarantee. They are currently offering new customers a free €15 when they invest at least €50 in their platform.
Some benefits of Viainvest include;
Note: your €15 bonus will not become withdrawable until 6 months after your initial investment
Estimated Profit: £12